Shower bouquet of David Austin roses
Monday, October 31st, 2011Beautiful cascading bridal bouquet of scented buttermilk coloured roses teamed with ‘Peach Avalanche’ roses and white phalaenopsis orchids with raspberry pink lips and clematis foliage.
Beautiful cascading bridal bouquet of scented buttermilk coloured roses teamed with ‘Peach Avalanche’ roses and white phalaenopsis orchids with raspberry pink lips and clematis foliage.
Sequined gold bag of David Austin roses mixed with ‘Peach Avalanche’ roses and foliage.
Yes, lily of the valley like stephanotis are grown under glass all year round in Holland and the scented garden roses are grown in Kenya, there are two main growers we use, ‘David Austin’ and the ‘Real flower Company’-Some of the roses available are:-
There are many others.
The scented roses mix perfectly with other cottage garden foliages and herbs, like Lavender, rosemary, fennel, mint and jasmine- rosemary and jasmine are available in December.
Garden roses may be more expensive than other roses as is lily of the valley (natural season is May).
Wedding bouquet of David Austin scented garden roses (‘Miranda’ and ‘Emily’) -rosemary, sage and a hint of lavender help add to the soft and romantic look of this delicately fruity fragranced bouquet- the perfect solution for the discerning bride.